Friday, April 27, 2007

A brief summary about how technology will help me in my future professional work

Technology will play a very instrumental role in my professional life. Some of the ways this will happen as learned from my spring 2007 SERP596 class are discussed below:

  1. Technology makes communication with groups easier. Example in mind include students in a course. This is could be by use of Course Management Systems such as D2L and Blackboard. Besides using in traditional class setting, these systems makes distance learning possible.
  2. Technology makes it easier for researchers to collaborate across time and space. This saves time and money. Iinstead of people traveling, they can collaborate through Internet and get their work accomplished.
  3. It also makes information management easier e.g. the use of data management software such as SPSS and Microsoft Excel which make data manageable and usable.
  4. Knowledge and use of other software such as PowerPoint is critical in this technological age where posters and overheard projectors are becoming a thing of the past. This is useful both in teaching and in research presentations at professional conferences and other fora.
  5. Other online tools like communities of practice aid in sharing information by professionals in the same field. This could be an important research tool where colleagues share best practices in their fields.
  6. Knowledge of video will enhance teaching and research presentations and is definitely an important technological tool to have.

Overall I have learnt a lot in this technology course although I was doing it from a distance. It was definitely a valuable course and I will keep abrest with new technology and keep updating myself on technological issues as I transition to research and teaching roles later in life.

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