Friday, August 03, 2007

Los Angeles, CA July 3, 2007

Disneyland CA July 2, 2007

Grand Trip

The Grand Canyon July' 07

Guessing at the Sedona scenic mountains. Beautiful Sedona!

Monday, June 11, 2007

May Summary

May 5, Dr. Pedersen, all good, Denny news,.
May 11, Good progress, denny sttm and letters picked from OH

Saturday, June 09, 2007

It an awfully quiet weekend, nothing much going on. At home the whole of this week taking care of my health. Doctor recommended a rest of two weeks and hence the sluggish nature of my life. Hope everything is back to normalcy in the next couple of days so I can pick up with my regular busy routine. More on the blog later.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

How nice to be home! Arrived back in Tucson Monday Memnorial day night. All is well, basking in the sun, is all I can do now.
The Bridegroom and me.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Today is Memorial Day. I am in Dallas to attend my friend's wedding. D-Day was yesterday and it was fun-filled. Dallas First Sevent Day Adventist Church was the venue. It was fabulous! Everybody happy for Justine and Betty. Now all roads lead to AZ. Check you out dere!!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Wow! It is over!!! It wasn't too bad afterall. The ritual went well, had some fun amidst the grilling. It is time to transition to something else. Yeeh!!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Tomorrow 05/09/07 is yet another D-Day. I have oral comps. I hope it comes to pass.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

My experience with a Course Management System (CMS): An Evaluation

A CMS is Internet-based software that manages student enrollment,
tracks student performance, and creates and distributes course content. In this way, the CMS enables teachers to extend the classroom beyond its traditional boundaries of time and space. Some common systems include Blackboard, eCollege and WebCT (The Journal, 2007). I have used WebCT, which is also known as Desire to Learn when I was a teaching assistant for two semesters. In this paper I will evaluate my experience based on my position as a teaching assistant. In doing this I will address some of the tools that were utilized as well as some that could have benefited the class.
Distance learners from all parts of the state of Arizona were enrolled in this class. We mostly utilized the discussion board. The first experience with the tool was not very good, as the instructors had no control of the time of posting. Many students were late to post their discussions and could be allowed to post several weeks later. This was inconveniencing for me as a teaching assistant responsible for grading the discussions. The second time I assisted teaching this class was better organized because the professors restricted discussion time to one week. This was not a very good experience to students at first because many were timed out trying to beat the deadline.
The other pitfall of this was that students were not able to come back to view the discussions and provide feedback after the time was up. I thought that was not good since most students were employed at that time and could only participate in the discussion over the weekend. This problem was later partially resolved with an extension of time until late Sunday prior to the start of a new week but the fact that students could not access their peers’ past discussions not very good.
The Grades tool enables the instructor to manage class grades. As I have already mentioned, I was responsible for grading the students’ discussion. This is a very good tool that displays the grades for students. It enables the instructor to enter or edit entries incase there are mistakes. This tool is great because only the instructors can view all the students’ marks and only displays individual marks to the individual students allowing for privacy. I feel it is very well designed in this regard as students are able to follow their performance throughout the semester.
The checklist is a good tool to use to help students manage assignments. This tool was not utilized in the courses I taught but it is a great inclusion any future courses I will teach.
Class Blog is another important tool that was not utilized in the course I taught. Students had a lot of information to share with there classmates that were beyond discussion of the week. This tool could have aided in this. Since it was missing, many students who had knowledge to share to others ended up not sharing it because they were advised to stick to the topic on the discussion board.
The Drop Box seems to be another good tool to submit assignments to the instructor. It was not used and students could have benefited from it and it is a great addition to the traditional emailing option.
The Locker enables students store their files and is a good tool to them to manage their files. This could be used as a backup for their class projects. It was not used but is certainly a tool to utilize in my future courses.
The Chat Room was not in use in those courses I taught but it is a great tool to consider for my future courses where students can discuss class projects with their peers as well as instructors.

In conclusion, I have learnt new tools that could have made my course interesting and easy to manage. I hope to incorporate most of these tools in future.
The Journal (2007). Course Management Systems and the Reinvention of Instruction. Accessed online on February 12, 2007. Available at http://thejournal com/articles/17014

684 words

A Community of Practice is a network of individuals with common problems or interests who get together to explore ways of working, identify common solutions, and share good practice and ideas. Typically they would share a specific area of knowledge.

The benefits of a CoP lie in providing an environment (virtual and/or face-to-face) that connects people – individuals, their organisations and the community itself – and encourages the development and sharing of new ideas and strategies. This environment supports faster problem solving, cuts down on duplication of effort, and provides potentially endless access to expertise.

Communities usually evolve from the recognition of a specific need or problem. There seems to be no community in the Rehabilitation Counseling arena. I now show I would go about creating one in this field. Before setting up a community, I would consider the following:

Scope – What do I want to achieve? Who is my audience? What are the boundaries?
Participants – Who can make a major contribution? Do they share common needs and interests?
Roles and responsibilities – Who are the experts, leaders, champions, facilitators?
Interest and involvement – How will I attract interest? How will I engage participants? How will I develop my community?
Creating and sharing knowledge – How will I interact, learn and share?
Moving forward – How will I add value? How will I evolve?

Communities can have a limited shelf-life and this is not always a bad thing. Sometimes a natural ending is reached – for instance when a group of people or a practice reach a conclusion. As long as the learning is captured and redistributed to the user, the success of the collaboration can inform others in the future.

Adapted from Knowledge Management Strategy, IDEA, UK.

Friday, April 27, 2007

A brief summary about how technology will help me in my future professional work

Technology will play a very instrumental role in my professional life. Some of the ways this will happen as learned from my spring 2007 SERP596 class are discussed below:

  1. Technology makes communication with groups easier. Example in mind include students in a course. This is could be by use of Course Management Systems such as D2L and Blackboard. Besides using in traditional class setting, these systems makes distance learning possible.
  2. Technology makes it easier for researchers to collaborate across time and space. This saves time and money. Iinstead of people traveling, they can collaborate through Internet and get their work accomplished.
  3. It also makes information management easier e.g. the use of data management software such as SPSS and Microsoft Excel which make data manageable and usable.
  4. Knowledge and use of other software such as PowerPoint is critical in this technological age where posters and overheard projectors are becoming a thing of the past. This is useful both in teaching and in research presentations at professional conferences and other fora.
  5. Other online tools like communities of practice aid in sharing information by professionals in the same field. This could be an important research tool where colleagues share best practices in their fields.
  6. Knowledge of video will enhance teaching and research presentations and is definitely an important technological tool to have.

Overall I have learnt a lot in this technology course although I was doing it from a distance. It was definitely a valuable course and I will keep abrest with new technology and keep updating myself on technological issues as I transition to research and teaching roles later in life.

Video for SERP 596D. It is about Tucson desert vegetation. enjoy!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Kenya Pictorial . From a foreign photographer's perspective.
Check this out! It is my Community of Practice. It is currently under construction, but working. Just click on the first three words.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Vioja radio :African and by extension Kenyan music online. Ji-enjoy

Thursday, April 12, 2007

D-Day was yesterday

I survived the grueling 8 hours of comps. Back to some normalcy but for a short while. On May 9, 2007 comes the next step-orals. yet the results of the writtens won't be out until sometime next week. Closing my fingers is all I can do. I now need to get back to work-technology assignments!!!

Thanks guys for being supportive while I studied.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The week in perspective

It is now exactly one week to my comps and I feel a mixture of excitement and tension. I am hoping all will go well. I have done and still doing my best. My day starts very early and ends very late. I am somewhat tired but I know I will have plenty of rest after I am done. That is me and where I am this week. Have a good one.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

This was taken in Detroit, MI during the 2007 ACA Annual Convention held from March 21-25. In the background is the GM Building, downtown.
A landing movie but does not show.

Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 19, 2007

This was not a very good day. I woke up with chills although I had gone to bed with them. Only this time they were more intense. I decided to go to the Students' Health Center. The doctor could not figure out what was going on. I stayed there well over four hours. I got an IV and some strong Tylenol. I felt better, went to the parking lot to pick my car to go home. Guess what was awaiting me there. A ticket! I had violated the Universities parking regulation. The good news is I got a letter from the clinic. I intend to appeal the $25 ticket. I hope I can will succeed.
Because of the status of my health, I missed a class presentation! Not good. Later

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Today is Tuesday March 13, 2007. School is closed and it is spring break. Slowing down a little before going back to books. I am hoping it is a quiet break for all those travelling from far and near. Indulge with care and take good care of yourselves. Adios.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

...and she is the mom them juniors.

They were inspiring the chicken and french fries instead of painting. How about that Dr. McVey. Interesting!!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Today is February 14, 2007 and it is Valentine's Day. I spent some time ths afternoon buliding my webpage with the Technology Guru, Dr. McVey. It was a exciting. Learnt a few new things.
This picturewas taken in August 2006 in Detroit Michigan. Look at the green beautiful flowers.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I can't upload a photo, how come?